Hey people! 2010 is gone and 2011 is here! 2010 had been a bad year for me, so i actually look forward to 2011 alot. In 2010, i've learnt many things and seen many people changing. Well, wouldnt judge whether is it good or bad because who are we to judge right? We should keep comments to ourselves and not start talking bad about people. That'll be mean. Lesson learnt in 2010, so i wouldnt repeat the same mistakes again this year. Though 2010 had been a bad year overall, there were still times where i had fun and felt truly happy. These will be the happy memories that i'll keep and i'll remember not to repeat mistakes and make 2011 a better year. :)Alright, wouldnt elaborate on the bad stuffs because its no longer important, as long as you learn from your mistakes. In 2010, i know i've lost quite a few best friends so i promise i'll cherish those who are still with me more now. Sorry to those who i've hurt in 2010, from the bottom of my heart ! I still hope we can at least talk again.
For all the good times i had in 2010, i will Thank Clique for being there for me, giving me the best memories i could ever have. I'm really grateful to have you guys. The times where you all skipped recess / lunch just to stay with me when i broke down in school. The times we had fun and did stupid things during Clique outings and started getting high & noisy everywhere we go. Times where we sang band songs while walking to the bus stop after a BBQ and many more. I really hope i wouldnt lose any single one of you this year or rather, forever. You guys really mean alot to me, like my family. Love you people! I really hope the Clique will stay strong and bonded. -this shall be my 11.11 wish-
Next, I'm gonna thank my family, especially my mom for always supporting me in whatever i do. Mom, you rock and stop being too cute. I cant stand it. :D
And now, thank Best friend for changing me into someone better, listening to my rantings when i'm unhappy, did your best to help me by giving me advices and lastly helped me alot in my studies. Really wanna thank you alot. Without you, i wouldnt be able to take all those crap in 2010. (I realised i wanna thank alot of people).
Thank the band mates for making my day with all the funny jokes, *cute winks*, listening to my problems at times. Hope you all will share your problems with me, like now too! :) Do well at Studies and for the upcoming SYF. You guys rock!^^
Thank Sisters for being there for me, supported me in whatever i do. I'll remember the times where we got so high at Pizzahut etc. Love you girls alot. :) We need to meet up soon! ^^
Thank DIS for all the fun & laughter during dance practices, all the effort we've put in to make our last performance memorable. Hopefully, we'll get to meet someday again!
And lastly, thank a few other good friends for giving me support, advices and happy memories in 2010. I hope i'll still be able to stay in contact with all these wonderful people! I will miss you all!
Now, for 2011.
1. Work hard for my studies and not have anymore regrets.
2. To decide whether i wanna pursue Music / dance.
3. Cherish and spend more time with my family and best friends.
4. Keep Clique strong and bonded.
5. Keep in contact with my wonderful friends.
6. Earn money instead of spending $$ like nobody's business.
7. Time management
8. Live life to the fullest.
9. Make 2011 a better year ^^
Let's hope i'll be able to get all these done this year. Lastly, Happy new year to all! :)